希望喜格尼尔釜山专属的特色下午茶套餐 Gourmandises 陪您度过一个轻松惬意的下午。
■ SIGNIEL with 2 Glasses of Sparkling Wine ······ 155,000 韩元
喜格尼尔下午茶: 七款甜点、七款咸点、两杯气泡葡萄酒
(mix of 7 small sweet pastries, 7 savory bites)
■ SIGNIEL with 2 Glasses of Tea or Coffee ······ 135,000 韩元
喜格尼尔下午茶: 七款甜点、七款咸点、两杯茶或咖啡
(mix of 7 small sweet pastries, 7 savory bites)
Fresh strawberry juice and whipped cream topped with strawberry chips
Grilled scallops with clam foam and caviar
Lobster Croquettes and Grilled Chorizo
Mushroom soup with truffle chantilly cream and mushroom chips
Raspberry puree and bianco latte gelato
Fresh Strawberry and Ham & Cheese Sandwich
SIGNIEL mini burger with Strawberry Bun |
Scone & Financier & Strawberry Jam, clotted cream
Strawberry Tiramisu
Vanilla Cremeux & Strawverry Choux
Strawberry Roll
Lomon Verveina & Strawverry Mini Cake
Lime Yogurt Mousse Strawberry Cake
Strawberry pistachio tart |
网站名称The Lounge
位置3 楼

Tel 051-922-1212
- 下午 2:00 ~ 下午 5:00(最后下单时间为下午 3:00)
- 需至少提前一天预订
- 以上图片仅供参考。