LOTTE HOTELS & RESORTS has in place an anonymous ethics and compliance reporting hotline service. Any person who is aware of unethical business practices (such as, for example, but without limitation, financial fraud, abusive language and violence) or violation of laws or regulations or other concerns relating to the company policies and procedures committed by our director(s), officer(s) or employee(s) can report such matters anonymously. LOTTE HOTELS & RESORTS will always strive to create a fair corporate culture, as well as achieving the compliance management.
Ethics Hotline

Notification type to report
1. Abusive language, assault
2. Unethical behaviors(Receiving Bribes, monetary transactions, receiving Entertainment, etc.)
3. Partner complaints
4. Compliments or suggestions for management improvement, etc.
Compliance Hotline

Notification type to report
1. Violation of Fair Trade Act
2. Violation of anti-Corruption laws
3. Violation of Human rights(Sexual harassment, workplace bullying, etc.)
4. Violation of other laws
LOTTE HOTELS & RESORTS practices safe management by removing, improving, and preventing risk factors in advance through accepting reports on safety and health-related risk factors for all employees, including partner employees, and customers. Also, we are trying to create a comfortable working environment.
Safety Hotline

Notification type to report
1. Potential risk factors
2. Near miss
Informant Protection
We operate the Hotline in a manner for an informant to make a complaint report with confidence without experiencing any disadvantages.
1. Person subject to protection
- We will not disclose any information that may reveal or imply the identity of an informant without the consent of him/her. Furthermore, we will hold any evidence submitted by the informant, information collected in the course of the fact checking process regarding his/her complaint, any details that may imply an alleged violator subject to the complaint, the outcome of any follow-up measures taken afterwards, in strict confidence.
- We will also offer the same level of protection to those who cooperate with our investigation by providing statements or relevant materials in the course of fact-checking process regarding a complaint.
2. Protection Policy
- The identity of an informant and the content of a complaint are treated under strict confidentiality, and the Hotline is protected with a high level of security
- A complaint is being handled by a limited number of personnel who are under oath to keep any information in relation thereto confidential.
- Necessary measures, such as disciplinary action, will be taken against those who inform others of an informant’s identity or any information that may imply the informant’s identity.
- If it has been identified that any unfavorable treatment was given to an informant as retaliation, we will take necessary measures for restoration or any compensations equivalent thereto for the benefit of such informant.
- Reasonable measures will be taken for an informant who makes a complaint involving one’s own misconduct, with due consideration given to extenuating circumstances.
We, HOTEL LOTTE CO., LTD. hereby declare our solemn pledge to realize the compliance management.