Log in with your social media account
You can link your LOTTE HOTEL Rewards account to your account.
Please proceed with online member authentication.
Benefits per membership level
- Conditions for levels
more than 50 nights
70,000 qualifying Point -
more than 25 nights
20,000 qualifying Point -
more than 5 nights
1,500 qualifying Point - Immediately upon signing up
- Accumulated points
- 10%
- 8%
- 6%
- 4%
- Food & beverage discount*
- 10%
- 10%
- 5%
- 5%
- Discount on Laundry*
- 20%
- 15%
- 10%
- Gift eVoucher
- 2 x USD 50 vouchers
- 2 x USD 50 vouchers
- 1 x USD 10 vouchers
- He:on bedding discount
- 20~25%
- 10~15%
- Room upgrades*
- O
- O
- Room upgrade coupon* (Online Coupon)
- 5 coupons
- 3 coupons
- Free Club Lounge admission for 1 accompanying guest (Limited only when staying club room) ①
- O
- O
- 1 free Club Lounge admission coupon for 1 person (Online Coupon) ②
- 3 coupons
- 1 free breakfast coupon for 1 person (Online Coupon)
- 5 coupons
- Welcome amenities*
- O
- O
- Late Checkout
- 14:00
- 14:00
- Free accommodation voucher
- Once a year
- Rollover Nights for next year’s membership level
- O
- Standard special benefits
• REWARDS Members only rate provided
• 10–20% discount is available when issuing offline membership card at LOTTE DUTY FREE stores in Korea (limited to certain brands and items)
• Please note that Food & Beverage discount for SIGNIEL(SEOUL, BUSAN) and LOTTE HOTEL YANGON is 10% for Platinum, 5% for Gold. Silver and Classic are not available.
• Online coupon is only available at Lotte Hotels located in Korea.
• [Platinum/Gold] Late Checkout 14:00 Benefits - In July and August (as of check-out date) excluded from All Chain Hotels.
* will be available at LOTTE HOTELS and SIGNIEL(SEOUL, BUSAN)