Digging Deep !

L7 offers a broad spectrum of music regardless of your preferred genre, so you can discover new music that aligns with your unique tastes.Huh?I actually kind of like this! So you can dig deeper into your music preference!Explore the vinyl collection carefully curated with L7's overflowing curiosity.
Period : 2022-04-01 - 2024-08-31
Event Detail

L7 Hongdae has spaces here and there that allow you
to escape from your repetitive daily life and inspire you.
The LP ZONE, located at a window with an expansive view of Hongdae,
is furnished with a turntable, headphones, and an LP collection.
The zip of when an LP is placed on the turntable and the melodies
and vibrations of music from the headphones will stir up new emotions.
Simply watching the vinyl spin on the turntable is comforting in itself.
Stay for a while
and fall in love with music that may be to your taste!

LP Zone

• Location : L7 Hongdae 21F Blue Roof Lounge
• Hours : 24 hours
• Genres : Modal jazz, Psychedelic rock, City Pop, Afro Beat,
    Soul Classic, Hip Hop Classics …
• Remarks : The playlist curated based on L7's overflowing curiosity
     is also available on Spotify and YouTube.