Home Dining Restaurant - Vietnamese Restaurant Ha Noi


Vietnamese Restaurant Ha Noi

Ha Noi Restaurant offers a wide variety of dishes, including authentic Vietnamese favorites such as pho and bain mee,
for those who are unfamiliar with Vietnamese cuisine.
The restaurant also offers a variety of drinks and a fun atmosphere.


  • Type
  • Location
    ARAI B1F
  • Seat


[ Open Day ]
Every Day

[ Open Hours ]
Lunch: 11:00 - 15:00 (L.O14:00)
Dinner: 17:00 - 22:00 (L.O21:00)

※ Operation and business hours are subject to change.


* Service charge and consumption tax are included in the listed price.

Restaurant Booking

Make a reservation for dinner.
When using dinner, we operate a five-part system to limit the number of people in the restaurant.

* It is strongly recommended to reserve the restaurants in advance. Click here for more information

* When making restaurant bookings, please use the same name as that used for hotel bookings.

 - Part1 : 17:00
 - Part2 : 18:00
 - Part3 : 19:00
 - Part4 : 20:00
 - Part5 : 21:00

※Please call us if you need to change your reservation after it has been made.
 Tel : +81-255-75-1112


TEL +81-255-75-1105 Make a Call